“Grit” was the name of an exhibition held at Artworks Gallery in Winston-Salem, NC in March, 2023.
The show was a combination of the work of myself and photographer Julian Silverman under a single theme, focusing on overlooked moments and objects found in urban landscapes. In addition, the gallery was be transformed into a setting that captured the frenetic nature of looking for beauty in unintended places, whether on the ground or in the sky.
In addition to the work itself, certain pieces had additional narration by the artists explaining the motivations behind their work.
Julian Silverman is a photographer from New York City who has recently relocated to Winston-Salem. His work focuses on the unintended beauty and narratives coming though stolen moments in time.
“Mixed Results” was the name of a solo show at Footnote Coffee & Cocktails held January through March, 2023.
The show highlighted my series of over 20 different works and also included the availability of unframed original art, notecards and stickers.
Via Artfolios, my work can be found in the Summit Street Inns in downtown Winston-Salem, NC
MUSICOLOGY: Vol. 3 Group Show, Brewer’s Kettle, High Point, NC (June)
“De-Constructed” Group Show, Brewer’s Kettle, High Point, NC (June)
Ongoing Collaboration
I am also available to teach or collaborate for collage sessions and projects. Get in touch to learn more.